How to Know a Person

Facilitator: Cheryl Perry,, 970-631-8634 Dates: Tuesdays, April 2 — April 30, 2024 (5 weeks) Time: 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Text: David Brooks, How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen, Random House, $30, (Available digitally, and thru the library and Prospector, used on Amazon. Additional Materials: Facilitator will provide a Reflective Diary for you to document your private experiences developing your skills in empathy and communication. Video of author shown during class. Presentations: No presentations expected, but participation needed - both in class discussion and in your honest journaling as you reflect on weekly prompts.
Foxtail 2, Senior Center Class limit: 24

In a world rife with differences, are you willing to deepen your relationships, foster more genuine connections, and truly see those around you?

In a culture of open hostility, where others are often feared, even hated, where is your empathy and compassion?

This book is a practical roadmap towards better connections with others: with exercises, reflections, and actionable steps to better understand others and, in doing so, to understand yourself.

Why do you relate, or not, to some people? How do you develop authentic communication with others that go beyond surface level? What are the best questions to pose in starting the conversation?

This class will ask for your open mind and unreserved self-honesty in stretching your own boundaries of values, identity, and belief. As you are all that you have suffered and experienced, so is that other person. Each of you brings all that energy into the room. Each of us is very complex!